Monday, July 27, 2009

We are having a girl!

I can't say I'm not a little intimidated by having a girl, frankly everything about girls scare me and I am blessed to have found someone that can put up with me and my antics. Girls are an enigma and now I have to raise one? All I know is I am in need of a shotgun, can anyone recommend one? I'm thinking one that can stop any boy in his tracks and will keep any harm away from my little girl. My little girl, that phrase makes me so excited! I think the realization that I am going to be a father and now a father of a girl is very humbling. I try to imagine what life is going to be like... how things will turn out... and who she will be when she grows up... I can only hope that I will do the best job I can possibly do. I hope with that she can become the best little girl she could possibly be.

From this moment on it's no longer all about me... it's about my little girl.

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